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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hello my new life? Okay harini dah 3th of November AND another 2 days to SPM examination for batch '95. Good luck to those who sitting for SPM on this Monday :) Hey, OUR SCHOOL HOLIDAY WAS STARTED!! So what's our plan? Emm emm, ya we're still thinking.. Takkan nak duduk rumah je kan? Hell-oo kami dah habis exam okay, ya kami macam budak PMR juga! haha but still sedar la next year dah SPM, ya still sedar..

Emm, what's next? Zzz..

Okay we'll start by here. Lepas final exam habis, terus join explorace activity. Best ke tidak eh agak-agak? Uu tipu lah kalau kata tak best. Actually that wasn't 'our explorace'. Okay, kami sebagai Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya di sini... CEH nak jugok~ Ya, kitorang actually kena jadi faci untuk those batch '97 yang join explorace. It's called 'Aktiviti selepas PMR'. BUT, before that kitorang kena try dulu explorace tu. Emm, okay. Takda hal lah kan, haha. As my mom said, "Kita kena cuba sesuatu yang kita tak pernah cuba" ya, then we will know.

Semuanya best and best and best! Yang paling FUN GILA masa semua kena lompat dalam tali skipping tu dalam 5 orang sekali. Fuh, memang mencabar gila. But, we did together dalam hujan. Seronok mandi hujan lepas habis exam :D Habis tu, lepak lu kat bilik kaunseling, dalam lepas isyak baru balik rumah. What a tiring day lah. Hah janji we have fun for the whole day! I want to go to swimming, hiking, BBQ-ing!! Oh ya, by this 12th of November I'm going to Genting Highlands for 'Trip To Genting' with classmates. Yeay.

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